Internet and Businesses Online – How to Choose a Unique Angle for Your Niche Market

This is important, especially if you are in a niche area that already has some number of marketers, as I believe is the case today.

So what do I mean by choosing an angle? What do I mean by ‘angle’?

You must be able to differentiate yourself from everyone else in the market. You must be able to offer something that others do not – that is your angle.

Have you noticed how, out of the 100′s of emails you receive daily, that you only open a few of them – and that it has nothing to do with headlines or font – but that it has to do with who sent the email?

You recognize the sender of the email, you like something about that person or their service, so you read their emails. And you buy their products. Why? You like their angle. Whatever it is they do different, and you like it, that is their unique angle, and it is the reason you read their emails and buy their products.

So how do you choose an angle?

What do you do well? Are you good at simplifying things? If so, your angle could be to simplify things in your niche and market to beginners.

Maybe you are the type that can make sense out of really complicated things – your angle could be to produce materials that make complicated processes in your niche seem easy.

Do you like to teach people how to do things? Maybe your angle is that you offer specialized training in your niche.

Do you have a knack with words? Maybe your angle is that your emails have a special feel to them, created by your ease of use of your language.

Maybe your angle could be that you offer a collection of free items that other marketers’ sell, and you offer them free to your subscribers.

Maybe your angle is that you offer obscure and hard to find information for free or a reduced price.

Find or create your angle – and then keep that angle first and foremost in your mind in everything you do for your niche list building.

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